Multi-Stage Deck by BilJax

We have 100’s of these decks in stocks with all the components to make tiered stages of any size.


Stage Component: ST8100 Ms Stage 4ftx4ft W/o Carpet Part #: 0106-052-9. We offer the full range of Biljax Stages and Stage Components.

Sizes available for the Multi-Stage decks include the popular 4’
square section, a 2’ x 4’ section and a 45° corner section. Standard
decks include a 3/4” AC exterior plywood top stained in gray
enclosed in a steel frame edge protector. Other deck surfacing
options include carpeted and textured deck top.

Standard on all decks is the original cam lock feature which firmly
fastens stage sections together from the top of the stage platform.
Cam lock holes are neatly plugged with a cap to fill the surface.


Ask about carpeting and other materials to dress up the appearance for your events.