A “dead zone” is defined as “a place or period in which nothing happens or in which no life exists.” Let’s read that again: “NOTHING HAPPENS” and “NO LIFE EXISTS.” To me, this term is perfect to describe areas where cellular signals are too weak to provide service. Because many factors affect cellular signal strength, your property is at risk of becoming one of these stifling, dull areas hostile to life. However, not all hope is lost! Professional cellular signal boosters can be the savior to lead your property out of a telecommunication desert into an oasis of 21st-century, information-exchanging harmony. Read on to find out why your property needs cellular signal-boosting technology.

Signal Interference
Numerous conditions can inhibit cellular strength. For example, cell tower location can dramatically affect cell coverage. Neighboring buildings and other geographic structures can inhibit cellular signals from coming to your property. Building materials can also affect signal strength. The weather can put a damper on your cell coverage, as well. The problem with all these factors is that you have control over NONE of them. You can’t move a cell tower closer to your property. Forget about moving a building or a large hill out of your way. Changing a building’s composition doesn’t seem like a very practical strategy. And so far, humans have not found a way to change the weather. So, how do you combat these forces outside your control? Commercial cellular signal boosters, of course! A signal booster uses a powerful outside antenna to magnify even the weakest of signals. It then amplifies the signal so that it will cover the entire area of your property. An antenna inside the building strengthens the signal more so that it can reach all rooms in the building. With this three-part process, your signal can be magnified no matter what is inhibiting it.
Cellular Tech Everywhere
More and more, individuals and businesses are relying on cellular technology for their communication needs. For example, last year the CDC released a study showing that more than half of American households use cellular phones exclusively for their home telephone needs. In addition to using cellular technology for phone needs, a growing number of Americans are using cellular technology for Internet access and security systems. It’s essential for properties to provide reliable, efficient cellular access for all on the property. With a commercial cellular booster, you can feel secure in your ability to provide cellular service that customers can count on.
More Battery Life
A surprising benefit to using a cellular signal booster is a boost to battery life. Cell phones drain their energy by continually searching for signals. With a signal booster, phones on your property will not waste time and energy in a futile signal search. Strong, efficient signals are immediately available, thus saving your precious battery life for more useful applications. In addition, stronger signals take less battery power to receive and transmit information. All on your property will see the battery benefits of a cellular signal booster.
Affordable Options
There are many different options for commercial signal boosters for all property sizes and budgets. A qualified audio-visual provider, like Atlanta Pro AV, can work with you to find a booster that will satisfy your needs. Atlanta Pro AV is an authorized dealer for Wilson Pro Commercial Grade Booster Solutions for Small, Mid, and Enterprise Businesses. We have a successful history of designing and integrating systems for large-scale corporate and government facilities.
Don’t allow your property to be a technological graveyard! Contact Atlanta Pro AV today to find out how you can get out of the dead zone!!!!
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